Capilano University - Squamish Campus

Adult Basic Education -- General Upgrading

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Program Information

School:Capilano University - Squamish Campus
Faculty:Education, Health & Human Development
Degree:Not Applicable; Online
Field of Study:Adult High School/Secondary Diploma Program
Basic Skills, General
High School Equivalence Certificate Program
Workforce Development and Training
Description:If you're an adult learner looking to apply to post-secondary institutions or a high school student needing to improve your marks, the Adult Basic Education (ABE) courses at CapU are a great place to start to get into your select university program.

ABE courses are tuition-free for Canadian citizens and permanent residents and are available full-time or part-time, through online learning or in a classroom.
URL:Adult Basic Education -- General Upgrading at Capilano University - Squamish Campus
Length:1 Year(s)
Modified on May 29, 2024